The Louisville Public Library is hosting Darkness to Light training session Monday April 23rd at 7pm.

Come learn from Cassie of Cedar Kids how to stop sexual abuse. Learn the warning signs to protect your kids!
Adult education is key to preventing child sexual abuse.

1 out of 10 children will be sexually abused before they turn 18. Chances are, someone you know has been impacted. Research shows that people who are sexually violated as children arefar more likely to experience psychological problems often lasting into adulthood, including post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression, suicide, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, school dropout and relationship problems.Darkness to Light understands that learning the facts about childhood sexual abuse helps prevent it. Talking about it helps prevent it. Getting involved helps prevent it. The truth is, if childhood sexual abuse can be prevented, it can be stopped.That’s why we exist, to empower adults through awareness and educational programs to prevent,recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.