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Community News
Keep up to date with what's happening in and around the community with our Community News Newsletter. Available in both printed and digital formats. Please allow time for downloads to occur. Download speeds vary by internet connections.
Community News, May 2021, Vol 1
Our Premier issue of Community News. Brought to you by the Louisville Public Library, Louisville, NE In this issue we introduce you to our mission, meet the mayor, promote our coming community engagement meeting, offer a business directory and a community calendar
Community News, June 2021, Vol 2
Community News Vol 2. Brought to you by the Louisville Public Library, Louisville, NE In this issue we announce summer reading plans, meet the new neighbors at 221 Main St, promote our coming community engagement meeting, offer a business directory and a community calendar
Community News, July 2021, Vol 3
Community News Vol 3.. Brought to you by the Louisville Public Library, Louisville, NE In this issue we provide more info about our coming community engagement meeting, introduce you to Lilac Hills and its owner Chris Maxon, new releases at the library, the business directory and a community calendar
Community News, August 2021, Vol 4
Community News Vol 4... Brought to you by the Louisville Public Library, Louisville, NE In this issue we recap the community engagement meeting, announce our survey results and gift card winners, meet the new High School Principal and check out the Last hot Sunday car show, along with the business directory and a community calendar
Community News, September 2021, Vol 5
Community News, October 2021, Vol 6
Community News Vol 5... Brought to you by the Louisville Public Library, Louisville, NE In this issue we say thanks for community support, announce our newsletter is going digital, welcome the new medical clinic, and check 2 upcoming events - FOTL Craft Show and VW car show, along with the business directory and a community calendar
Community News, November 2021, Vol 7
Community News Vol 5... Brought to you by the Louisville Public Library, Louisville, NE In this issue we say thanks for community support, announce our newsletter is going digital, welcome the new medical clinic, and check 2 upcoming events - FOTL Craft Show and VW car show, along with the business directory and a community calendar
Community News Vol 6... Brought to you by the Louisville Public Library, Louisville, NE In this issue we meet Fire Chief, Jason McClun, celebrate Fire prevention week, look at the last month in the community in pictures, get ready for some fall festivities, along with the business directory and a community calendar
Coming Soon..

October's issue is coming soon.
Do you have an event you would like mentioned or featured in our newsletter? Please let us know. You can reach us at
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