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Louisville Public Library is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We service the town of Louisville and the surrounding area. You can donate to the library in many ways:
Donate Money
Monetary donations provide support to expand the library's collection and offer additional programs and special services at the library. Every penny donated stays with the library. Donations can be made by cash or check to the Louisville Library Foundation and are tax-deductible.
Donate a Birthday Book/Memorial
Honor a special event or remember a loved one by sponsoring a book memorial. A bookplate inserted in the item names the individual being honored. Speak with the librarian if you are interested in sponsoring an item.
Donate used books, DVDs, Audio Books
The library accepts book, DVD, and audiobook donations, if the items are in good condition. Check our Wish List for our most wanted list.