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Besides classic literature and children's books, Louisville Library has a wide selection of movies on DVDs/VHS, genealogy resources, job sources, e-books, cake pans to borrow, and much more.



















Computers are also available for public use or you can bring your laptop and use wireless connection while working at the library. Need to print something,  make a copy or send a FAX? The library offers these services at an affordable price.


Pricing is as follows:


Printing from computer or device   - 10¢ Black & White only

Copies                                        - 10¢ Black & White, 25¢ Color

Faxes                                         -  10¢ incoming, 20¢ Outgoing

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Resource Links

E-books for your kindle or reading device all available via your library card. Login by clicking on the Sign In Link on the green menu bar at the top of the screen. Select Louisville Library from the drop-down menu, type in your library card/ patron number (and in some cases a pin number). Password – capital P and card number Pin – 7 digit phone number

NebraskAccess offers free 24/7 access to websites selected by librarians, full text government publications and Nebraska historical resources. NebraskAccess also provides Nebraska residents with premium databases containing thousands of full text popular magazine and journal articles; primary source documents; genealogical, health, legal, small business, and science resources; reading recommendations; and research resources for K-12 students.

Louisville, Nebraska

Visit our hometown website and learn about the rest of our town.

Cass County
Everything you need to know about Cass County. Government, Law Enforcement, Employment Opportunities, Courthouse, and Tourism information along with County map, Community links and more.
Everything Nebraska all in one place - Government, Education, Business Services, Employment, Attractions. Explore what Nebraska has to offer, enjoy the good life.

Nebraska Voter Registration
Register to vote online.

Nebraska Dept Motor Vehicles
Renew your Driver's license or registration, change your address, practice for your written test, get specialty plates for your vehicle, and learn about Commercial driving requirements.

Nebraska Dept of Labor
Find a job, file for unemployment, locate a job fair, learn about safety & labor standards all on the Nebraska Dept of Labor site.

Access Nebraska
Apply for/or get help with Medicaid or Economic Assistance, including SNAP, Aid to Dependent Children, Assistance to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled, Utility Expenses, Child Care Expenses,  Services for the Developmentally Disabled, Social Services for Aged and Disabled Adults, and Social Services for Families, Children, and Youth

Legal Aid of Nebraska
Free legal representation to low-income clients in a number of civil legal problems

Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Occupational Outlook Handbook from the Bureau of Labor Statistics can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations.

EducationQuest Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve access to higher education in Nebraska. EducationQuest provides free college planning services, need-based scholarship programs, college access grants for high schools, college access resources for middle schools. and outreach services for community agencies.They have locations in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, and Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

Nebraska State Historical Society
Discover the real places and people of Nebraska's past.

Omaha Genealogical Society
Looking for local genealogy resources? The Greater Omaha Genealogical Society is a great place to start.

© 2025 Louisville Library Board


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