May 2021
Stacee Schmidt Cottrell, Secretary
The May 2021 Library Board meeting was called to order Monday, May 10, 2021, at 6:02 p.m.
Board Members: Jerry Bergman, Stacee Schmidt-Cottrell, Patty Hibler, Laura McKeen
Library Director: Michelle Daniels Absent - Jennifer Rose
Recognition of Open Meeting Rules: recognized
McKeen motioned to approve last month’s minutes. Bergman seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passes.
Librarian Report
• New Members—3 new members.
• Circulation Numbers—1463 books/DVD’s for March; 371 checkouts on Overdrive. The breakdown is available in monthly reporting.
• New Materials Review - Detailed list available at the library for April books. Adult purchases will be posted on Facebook and other social media sites.
Monthly Finance Review—Report of financials to be submitted to the city:
Biblionix - $700
Jalapeno Designs - ADA signs $ 25.00
Visa-$ 131.57
Total - $856.57
Grant Money
Amazon Covid grant- $32.49
Target DVD- 19.34
Amazon Covid Grant - $20.26
Amazon Label Protectors- $43.09
Baker & Taylor New Release- $16.39
Copies, Faxes, Fines - $34.00
Bergman moved that bills be approved. Hibler seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passes.
Librarian Report/General Business
• Librarian’s report was given.
- Receiving $695 from State Aid
- Got $400 for the Pilcrow grant - ordering $1200 new kids books
• Treasurer Report: The report was reviewed.
Old Business
• Back Wall - McKeen went o the city council last month’s meeting. The City council did not inform the library board about sandblasting. Sandblasting to start 5/11
• Friends Group Update - Garage Sale May 28 - 29
• Community Outreach Event (Grant)-Will be July 21 @ Lilac Hill
• Library Accreditation - Schmidt Cottrell set up a survey to be done online. The survey has been tabled until a later date due to the Community out research Survey.
• Community newsletter - Will be ready to go in time for the garage sales
• Trust Concerns and Alley security has been tabled until a further date.
• Library Evaluation- tabled until next meeting (again)
• Garage Sale Maps - Laura and Jenny working on
New Business
• Friends Group/Foundation/Library Board/Librarian - tabled until next meeting
• Summer Reading - The program will be virtual this year. Summer reading kick-off will be at the senior center with wildlife encounters on June 1. The library will also start storytime in the park for the month of June with Patty Hibler
• Evaluation of the Library - Subject was tabled until next meeting - Daniels did mention the basement wall was leaking and some things in the closet downstairs got ruined.
• Bookfair - During Last Hot Sunday in July
• The library will reopen to normal hours for adult patrons - Motion 3 to 1 motion carries
Set Date/Agenda Suggestions for Next Meeting
• Next Meeting will be Monday, June 7, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.
Coming up in June:
Annual review of library policies with updates from all members
McKeen moved to adjourn the meeting. Bergman seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passes. Meeting adjourned at 7:18 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Stacee Schmidt-Cottrell, Secretary of the Louisville Public Library Board