June 2020
Tami Michalski, Secretary
The June 2020 Library Board meeting was called to order Monday, June 8, 2020 at 6:01 p.m.
Board Members: Jerry Bergman, Patty Hibler, Laura McKeen, Tami Michalski and Stacee Schmidt-Cottrell
Library Director: Michelle Daniels
Recognition of Open Meeting Rules recognized.
Patty motioned to approve last month’s minutes. Stacee seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passes.
Librarian Report
• New Members—no new members.
• Circulation Numbers—330 books/DVD’s for May; 145 checkouts on Overdrive for May. Breakdown available in monthly reporting.
• Overdue Report—Currently not keeping track of the overdue at this time since people are not to be getting out.
• New Materials Review - Detailed list available at the library for May books. Adult purchases will be posted on Facebook and other social media sites.
• Michelle has handouts ready to put in packets for Summer Reading. The bags will arrive next week so she can finish these packets. She has read books to be placed on YouTube. She is awaiting approval from the publishers for the books to be read online. The link for the taped readings will be provided to the parents who have kids participating in the summer reading program.
• Angie has spoken with Michelle about the Virtual Scholastic Book Fair going on this summer.
• Michelle has applied for another grant that is related to the Care Act.
Monthly Finance Review—Report of financials to be submitted to the city:
Expenses: Visa $629.59
Total $629.59
Income: Copies, Faxes, Fines (04-31-3042) $15.00;
Dollar General Summer Reading Grant $500.00
Total $515.00
Tami moved that bills be approved. Patty seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passes.
General Business
• Louisville Library Bookworm Buddies: Nothing new to report
• Treasurer Report: The report was reviewed.
Old Business
• Library Roof: The repair company (Roofers Inc.) has been up on the roof and will be starting the repairs soon. Laura will speak with Dee regarding possible hail damage in the past on the skylights to see if there is anything that can be done about the damage.
• Security: This will be tabled until the library has finished being reorganized.
• Cleaning Company: At this time, they seem to be doing ok (library remains closed to the public). Michelle will check to see when the contract is up for our reference.
• New Library Board Member: No one has expressed interest in the position at this time. There will be an opening on the board until this is filled. Flyers are posted at the bank, post office, and on facebook. Michelle will check with B’s Diner, Hopes Closet, and Gambino’s about posting flyers for the open position as well.
• Nebraska Community Fund: Tabled until COVID has resolved.
New Business
• Annual review of library policies with updates from all board members: No questions about the current policies so no changes will be made at this time.
• Library Board Secretary Position: Stacee stated she will agree to be the interim secretary for the next month until elections are completed. Laura moves to that Stacee will be the interim secretary. Patty seconds the motion. All in favor. The motion passes.
• Reopening the Library: At this time, the library will remain closed to having people come in to the library. We will continue to check out books to the community as we have been doing since we closed due to COVID. This will be revisited each month to decide if any changes need to be made. Notices will be sent out again regarding how to check out books/materials during this time.
Set Date/Agenda Suggestions for July 6, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
• Community Wide Garage Sale
• Distribute the library polices to each board member and librarian (no changes made in June)
• Election of Board Offices
• Goal of the Board should be reviewed with new goals and objectives set for the coming year.
• Reopening Library Discussion
Laura moved to adjourn the meeting. Stacee seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passes. Meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Tami Michalski, Secretary of the Louisville Public Library Board