July 2020
Stacee Schmidt Cottrell, Secretary
The July 2020 Library Board meeting was called to order Monday, July 6, 2020 at 6:05 p.m.
Board Members: Jerry Bergman,Laura McKeen, Stacee Schmidt-Cottrell . Via Phone - Patty Hibler
Library Director: Michelle Daniels
Recognition of Open Meeting Rules: recognized.
Laura motioned to approve last month’s minutes. Stacee seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passes.
Librarian Report
• New Members—9 new members.
• Circulation Numbers—407 books/DVD’s for June; 174 checkouts on Overdrive for June. Breakdown available in monthly reporting.
• Overdue Report—Currently not keeping track of the overdue at this time since people are not to be getting out.
• New Materials Review - Detailed list available at the library for June books. Adult purchases will be posted on Facebook and other social media sites.
• Daniels has handed out 36 summer reading packets. More still available up to the opening of school.
• Virtual Scholastic Book Fair will be starting in Sept. More info to come.
• Daniels discussed the possibility of installing CIPA filters on computers. CIPA filters out objectionable Items on the computers to keep kids safe. McKeen will investigate choices, prices, etc.
Monthly Finance Review—Report of financials to be submitted to the city:
Visa $731.62
Total $731.62
Income: Copies, Faxes, Fines (05-30-2020) $16.00;
Total $16.00
McKeen moved that bills be approved. Cottrell seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passes.
General Business
• Louisville Library Bookworm Buddies: Nothing new to report
• Treasurer Report: The report was reviewed.
Old Business
• Library Roof: The roof has been repaired by Roofers Inc. McKeen was speak with City regarding possible hail damage in the past on the skylights to see if there is anything that can be done about the damage. The total cost of the roof repair was $11225. This does not include the additional funds needed to repair the damaged drywall inside the library. Money to pay for the roof will be coming from the trust.
• New Library Board Member: Jennifer Rose has said she is interested in joining the board. The City Council is to vote on her appointment. Rose has previously served on the Library Board
• Community Wide Garage Sale: The Garage Sale has been cancelled for the year due to COVID-19. The Holiday Bazaar has also been canceled for the year. Other fundraising ideas will be researched and discussed. Garage Sale and Holiday Bazaar will hopefully return next year.
• Reopening the library: Due to continued outbreak of COVID-19, the library will continue to operate as-is until further notice.
• Nebraska Community Fund: Cottrell is going to request a video conference w/ Director.
New Business
• Election of Board members: Election tabled til August meeting when the new board member will be present.
• Library Board Secretary Position: Cottrell stated she will remain the interim secretary for an additional month until elections are completed.
• Goals of the Board for the Library: Board discussed the success that they have had accomplishing their Goals from last year. Board set new goals for the upcoming year.
Goals include:
Putting the Library Foundation in place
Establishing Friends Group
Installing Security System
Finishing relocating/updating Computers
Marketing the Library - online and off
Set Date/Agenda Suggestions for August 6, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
• Election of Board Offices
• Librarian Prepares Yearly Budget and Submits to the Board for their review/input
• Back to School
• Virtual Fundraising Ideas
• Volkswagen Show and Shine - Coming in Sept
• Nebraska Community Fund
• Reopening Library Discussion
McKeen moved to adjourn the meeting. Bergman seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passes. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Stacee Schmidt-Cottrell, Secretary of the Louisville Public Library Board